August Birthstone

What is the Birthstone for August?

peridot birth stoneGiving a piece of jewelry containing a birthstone gem will bring the wearer with good luck and protection. Monthly birthstones symbolize the month of birth according to the Gregorian Calendar. What is the Birth stone for August? The following old poem provides the answer! And this page provides some information about the meaning of the August gem stone, the color, symbolism and significance of this lovely birth stone:

August Birthstone poem - the Peridot

"Wear a Peridot or for thee,
No conjugal fidelity,
The August born without this stone,
`Tis said, must live unloved alone."

August Birthstone - Properties of the PeridotFor those who were born in the month of August the Peridot is the traditional birthstone. The August birthstone poem reflects some of the properties with which the Peridot is associated - love, truth, faithfulness and loyalty. The Traditional Metaphysical Properties for the August Birthstone Peridot are  fame, dignity, and protection. The healing properties of the August birthstone are reputed to be effective for health problems relating to the lungs, lymph, breast and sinuses. The Peridot is also used to enhance prosperity, growth, and openness.

August Birthstone Zodiac SignThe twelve Zodiac signs are an astrological version of birthstones in addition to the twelve calendar months. The August birthstone of the Peridot is considered to be the birthstone for Leo (The sign of the Lion) and relate to those born between July 23 - August 22. The Zodiac sign of Leo also responds to Onyx, Diamond, Carnelian, Sardonyx and Ruby.

August Birthstone - Where are Peridots found?The popular August Birthstone of the Peridot is found in the following countries:
  • Burma, China and the U.S.
August Birthstone - the Color of the PeridotThe traditional color associated with the Peridot is the lime green color and is a popular gem used in jewelry. The meaning of colors through the ages represented many aspects of life. Social, religious, biblical and Christian symbolism were all reflected in the color green! The symbolic meaning of the symbolic meaning of the color green was renewal of life and nature. The best Peridot is a stone with a sparkling lime green color, without a brownish or olive cast. The color of the peridot can range from lime, yellowish green, olive green or medium dark green. Chrysolite is a golden yellow variety of peridot.

Definition of the Peridot, the August BirthstoneDefinition of Peridot, the August birth stone: The word Peridot is derived from the Greek word "faridat " which means "gem". The peridot (pronounced pear-a-doe) is a pale green variety of chrysolite and used as a gemstone. The crystal structure of the Peridot (magnesium iron silicate) the August birthstone, is orthorhombic. The Peridot is one of the few gemstones that come in only one color. The depth of green depends on how much iron is contained in the crystal structure. It is also often referred to as "poor man's emerald".

August Birth stone - the History of the PeridotFor those who were born in the month of August the Peridot is the traditional birthstone. The history, myths, legends and folklore surrounding the magical properties of different birthstones have been handed down through the ages and from different civilisations. This subject has been documented separately in the History of Birthstones section which can be accessed by the link at the top of the page.

August Birth stone poem - the Peridot

"Wear a Peridot or for thee,
No conjugal fidelity,
The August born without this stone,
`Tis said, must live unloved alone."

August - Birth Stone - Gemstone - Birthday - Zodiac - Sign - Date - Month - Gemstone - Gem - Chart - Color - Facts Information Guide - Zodiac - History - Symbolism - Significance - Birth - Stone - August

Birthstones & Jewelry InsuranceYour home insurance policy may not fully cover you for birthstone jewelry insurance, engagement ring insurance or wedding ring insurance. Your home insurance policy probably covers jewelry theft, but not loss that occurs for other reasons. A typical home insurance policy will only usually pay a maximum of $1,000 for jewelry theft. Obtain a Jewelry Insurance quote from the Chubb group of jewelry insurance.

August Birthstone

August Birthstone

  • What is the birthstone for August? The Peridot
  • Color meaning, symbolism and significance of the August birthstone, the Peridot
  • August Birth stone - Properties of the Peridot
  • Definition of the Peridot, the August Birth stone
  • August Birth stone Zodiac Sign
  • August Birth stone - Where are Peridots found?
  • Colors - Information about the color of the August birthstone, the Peridot
  • August Birth stone poem


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