History of Birthstones

History of Birthstones

Far back in history Precious Stones have been held in high estimation by all nations. Primarily because of their beauty but also on account of their virtues, as transmitters of good luck and to avert misfortune. The association of Gems with power, civil and religious adds to the mystery in the history of birthstones. The history of birthstones involves the lives of many historical figures as Precious Stones are seen as signs of power, wealth and luxury. The history of birthstones and precious jewels have therefore played an important part in the lives of the great, not only on account of their beauty but because they contained the equivalent to a large sum of money and in times of danger could easily be concealed and carried from place to place. Click one of the following links to access facts and information about you favorite jewels and gemstones including Pearls, Diamonds, Aquamarine, Opals, Emeralds, Rubies, Sapphires, Turquoise, Peridots, Topaz, Garnets and Amethyst.

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Earliest History of BirthstonesIt is difficult to determine with any certainty in what country Precious Stones were first worn as ornaments, but the consensus of opinion seems to point to India, as far as recognised history is concerned, as their birthplace because their first mining and production is always associated with the East. The earliest records of history also include the discoveries of travellers and the traditions of South America, evidence proving an inheritance from past civilisations of great antiquity.

History of DiamondsRead about the history of diamonds from the Romans to the Middle ages. There is also a history timeline about diamonds. Did you know that diamonds were once considered to be a charm against insanity?

History of EmeraldsThe history of emeralds from the Romans to the Middle ages. Did you know that emeralds were once considered to be beneficial to the eyes?

History of TurquoiseThe history of turquoise from the Romans to the Middle ages. Did you know that turquoise was once believed to appease hatred, relieve and prevent headaches, and to change colour when its owner was in peril or ill-health.?

History of PearlsThe history of pearls from the Romans to the Middle ages. Did you know that pearls were once considered considered unfortunate for those in love and if worn by the married signified "torrents of tears"?

History of AquamarineThe history of the aquamarine from the Romans to the Middle ages. Did you know that the aquamarine was once considered to have the ability to reawaken the love of married couples?

History of RubiesThe history of rubies from the Romans to the Middle ages. Did you know that rubies were once considered to to attract friends and good fortune?

History of PeridotsThe history of peridots from the Romans to the Middle ages. Did you know that peridots were once believed to protect the wearer from enchantment and against melancholy and illusion.?

History of OpalsThe history of opals from the Romans to the Middle ages. Did you know that opals were once considered to be especially helpful in arresting the glance of envy?

History of SapphiresThe history of sapphires from the Romans to the Middle ages. Did you know that sapphires are considered to possess the virtues and qualities essential to its dignified position as the badge of the Pope?

History of TopazThe history of topaz from the Romans to the Middle ages. Did you know that the topaz was once considered to to protect its wearer against perils and dangers in travelling and to avert all complaints of the chest and bowels?

History of GarnetsDid you know that the garnet was once believed to increase energy, will power and self image helping all those with a nervous disposition?

History of AmethystDid you know that the Ancient Greeks believed that amethyst would provide protection from the effects of drunkenness?

 Gemstones - History - Facts - Information -Info - Jewelry - Properties - Jewel - Gems - Gemstones - Precious - Stones - Pearls - Diamonds - Aquamarine - Opals - Emeralds - Rubies - Sapphires - Turquoise
Peridots - Topaz - Garnets - Amethyst - History of Jewels and Gemstones
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Birthstones & Jewelry InsuranceYour home insurance policy may not fully cover you for birthstone jewelry insurance, engagement ring insurance or wedding ring insurance. Your home insurance policy probably covers jewelry theft, but not loss that occurs for other reasons. A typical home insurance policy will only usually pay a maximum of $1,000 for jewelry theft. Obtain a Jewelry Insurance quote from the Chubb group of jewelry insurance.

History of Birthstones

History of Birthstones

  • History of Birthstones, Jewels and Gemstones
  • Symbolism, properties and significance of birthstones
  • Facts, Information about Gemstones
  • Guide to Jewels and Gemstones
  • Pearls, Diamonds, Aquamarine, Opals, Emeralds, Rubies, Sapphires, Turquoise, Peridots, Topaz, Garnets and Amethyst
  • Use of Jewels and Gemstones in jewelry
  • Information about the colors of Jewels and Gemstones


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