
ChrysoberylChrysoberyl, a beryllium aluminum oxide, is not related to the mineral beryl as many might think by the name. Alexandrite and cat's eye are the most valuable varieties of the stone. The third in the series of common varieties is a transparent greenish yellow stone, famous in the Victorian and Edwardian jewelry.

It is believed that cat's eye protect one from all the evil spirits or the evil eye. According to the Hindus, it is said that it would preserve health and guard against poverty. This stone was long admired for its chatoyant character and became popular in the West by late 1800's.

Chrysoberyl occurs in numerous colors, predominately the shades of green and brown. Chrysoberyl cat's eye, also known as cymophane, is of honey color, a medium yellow with modifying brown. Alexandrite changes color from red to green depending on the type of light it is viewed in. The stone is extremely durable.

Chrysoberyl is found in Russia, Brazil and Asia. It occurs in pegmatite, greisens and hydrothermal deposits. Its hardness is 8.5 on Moh's scale. It is often confused with Tigereye, Yellow Sapphire, Topaz, Citrine and Tourmaline.


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