Amazonite is a mineral, but because of its lively green color, it is cut and polished as a gemstone. The green color of the stone has been attributed to the presence of copper. It can also be due to some organic pigment, probably an organic salt of iron, as it is removed by heat from the source.Modern amazonite has a limited occurrence. Previously it was obtained exclusively in organic rocks from Miyask in the Ilmen mountains, 50 miles south-west of Chehabinsk (Russia). Recently high quality crystals were obtained from Pike's Peak, Colorado. It was found associated with the quartz, orthoclase, and albite. Few other locations in the US yield amazonite. It is also found in pegmatite in Madagascar.
Amazonite is believed to be a sacred stone of high value. It was extensively used by the ancient Egyptians. It gives a cooling and soothing effect to the mental state. It is used for healing and spiritual growth. It is applied to align the heart and solar plexus chakras and also the etheric and mental bodies. The body energy currents are strengthened by the use of amazonite.
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