The impurities in Goshenite creates all the popular beryls like emeralds (green beryl), heliodor (yellow beryl), morganite (pink beryl) and aquamarine (blue beryl). This great stone also works as a substitute of diamond by placing a silver or green-colored metal foil behind a cut goshenite gemstone and then placing it in a closed setting making sure that the foil goes undetected. The base elements found in this stone are Beryllium, Aluminum and Silicon.
Goshenite occurs in North and South of America, particularly in Colombia, Northern Europe, East and South Africa, and the Himalayan regions of Asia. The hardness on Mohs scale of the stone is 7.5 - 8 and specific gravity of 2.6 - 2.8.
Believe wise, the stone brings clarity of truth into life after using it. The persons action and thoughts become true to the deepest desires and needs. It brings the physical body into balance with the mental. The stone is also mentioned in ancient texts that it was very popular as a divining tool amongst numerous older traditions in Ireland.
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